Camp Fellowship is a summer camp on the shores of Lake Greenwood in South Carolina.
In 2023 Camp Fellowship began its official partnership with Angel Tree Camping.
It has been a joy to connect with new campers and families and provide an enriching camp experience.
Camp Fellowship looks forward to many more years of partnering with Angel Tree and the ministry to provide camp to more campers each year!


Did you know that Camp Fellowship has joined the network of summer camps
working with the Angel Tree Camping initiative of Prison Fellowship?
This program creates opportunities for children and youth who have a parent who is incarcerated to benefit from a summer camp experience.
To learn more about supporting campers with special life situations, contact


For Angel Tree Campers to attend camp at a minimal cost, please provide the requested information in the Angel Tree Campership form during the registration process. You will be asked to provide your camper’s name, the start date for the camp session they plan to attend, the name of the parent who is incarcerated, the last known institution of incarceration, and the release date, if applicable. If there are any questions or concerns about the need for this information, please reach out to

For more information about Prison Fellowship and the Angel Tree Camping Program, please view their website here.
Watch Angel Tree Camping’s introduction video!