Hospitality & Safety

There are many things to consider when coming to camp. Keeping everyone happy healthy and safe requires a knowledge of some of the health concerns and hazards you may encounter.

  • Covid 19

  • Flu

  • Water Safety & Boating Safety

  • Allergies & Food Safety

  • Dehydration

  • Weather & Natural Hazards (including wildlife)

Your Health and Safety is a Priority for Us

Fellowship is committed to keeping our campers, guests and staff healthy by providing for and encouraging a safe environment for all.
Please review our policies and procedures on this page and do your part to help us keep everyone healthy and safe!

We invite your cooperation and assistance in caring for one another

  • before you arrive

  • during your time here and

  • after you return home.

Before You Arrive

As we prepare for your arrival, we ask that you take these steps to prepare, too!

All individuals planning to attend any day or overnight event at Fellowship agree to :

  1. Monitor your health prior to the start of your event.
    You should not attend if you have or have experienced within the last 14 days any of the following symptoms:

    - fever over 100.3 °F or greater
    - cough
    - shortness of breath
    - diarrhea, vomiting or nausea
    - unusual or unexplainable fatigue
    - unusual, severe or persistent headaches, muscle aches
    - new loss of taste or smell
    - sore throat

  2. If you have been in close contact within 5 days prior to the start of your event with a person who has been diagnosed with, tested for, or quarantined as a result of COVID-19, the flu, or other communicable disease, you should consider not attending your group’s gathering.

Group Leaders agree to:

  1. Convey pre-arrival protocols to group participants.

  2. Complete and submit the Contact Tracing Information Form containing full contact information for each member of their group. Fellowship will keep this information on file for 60 days to aid in contact tracing in case of reported illness.

  3. Assign housing based on households or other pod groupings and maintain protocols for identifying close contacts.

Upon Arrival

We will work together to keep things healthy and safe on site!

  1. Group leaders are encouraged to take temperature of all group members at arrival and before they are allowed to settle in a guest room. Fellowship will provided a no-touch, infrared thermometer for use by the group upon request.

    If a temperature of greater than 100.3° is recorded, another reading will be made after 10 minutes. If a second reading of over 100.3° is registered the person will be moved into isolation housing until arrangements can be made for their departure.

  2. All group participants will be asked to confirm their answers to the following screening questions:

    • Have you or anyone in your household currently or within the past five to seven (5-7) days experienced any symptoms associated with COVID-19, flu, or other respiratory or communicable disease, including fever, cough, and shortness of breath among others?

    • Have you or anyone in your household traveled at any point in the past fourteen (14) days either internationally or to a community in the U.S. that has experienced or is experiencing a high level of sustained community spread of COVID-19, flu or other communicable disease?

    • Have you or anyone in your household been exposed to or deemed a “close contact” to a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19, the flu, or communicable disease; or have you or anyone in your household been diagnosed with COVID-19, the flu, or communicable disease and not yet cleared as non-contagious by state or local public health authorities or the health care team responsible for their treatment?

      “Yes” answers to any of the questions above may be cause for self-exclusion from participation. Any “yes” answers will require further conversation with group leader, participant and Fellowship’s Executive Director or Medical Advisory and Safety Team designee.

During Your Stay at Fellowship

All guests and participants will engage in socially responsible practices to help mitigate risk.

Group leaders and guests are encouraged to check in on health and safety of guests and program participants throughout your stay. Fellowship will provide a no-touch, infrared thermometer upon request.

From time to time, adjustments may need to be made to available services, programs, facilities, and/or schedules based on health and safety considerations.

All guests and staff are encouraged to bring a mask in case it becomes necessary to wear in order to slow the spread of any communicable disease. Wearing masks is a sign of care and concern for others in our community and those who may be more vulnerable to Covid, flu, or other respiratory of communicable infection.

  • Campers and Guests will provide their own masks.

  • Fellowship may have cloth masks available for purchase and may have disposable masks if needed and available.

Our commitment to you and our relationship with you and your guests continues after your departure.

All group leaders and guests are required to inform Fellowship staff if they or anyone in their group is diagnosed with COVID-19, flu or other communicable disease during the 10 days after their time at Fellowship. We will note this on the Contact Tracing Information Form.

Should Fellowship staff members be diagnosed with COVID-19 or other illness, we will inform those who may have had contact with them.

 It is the responsibility of each individual and group to operate in a manner that complies with current state guidelines and Center for Disease Control recommendations for public health behavior. Groups or individuals within a group who are not following these guidelines or other guidelines as outlined on this page and in the written group orientation, will be asked to leave.  No refund will be given and the group will be responsible for any unpaid balance of their invoice.

If you have questions about these guidelines, please contact us by email at or 864-998-3400.

After Your Stay at Fellowship