#Future Forward

The #FutureForward Strategic Initiative guides our direction as we seek to enhance our ministry, provide top-tier programs and facilities, and maintain a focus on opportunity and accessibility for the communities we serve as we grow and strengthen the long-term sustainability of Fellowship Camp and Conference Center through Camping Ministries of the Carolinas, Inc. leadership.

“Our mission is to make connections for better living,
stronger communities and personal and spiritual growth and development.”

#FutureForward encompasses projects that focus efforts in three main areas:

Capital Planning & Improvements

As stewards of a nearly 140-acre property on Lake Greenwood with over 15 buildings and programmatic areas, we will undertake a systematic and pro-active approach to routine maintenance, repair/replacement, and future development to meet mission-critical objectives.

We will:

  1. Undertake critical upgrades and repair of existing buildings and infrastructure

  2. Develope new facilities and program areas while actively managing property and other physical resources

  3. Develope a plan to address immediate, intermediate and long-term facility goals

  4. Vision and plan for future growth with a focus on accessibility and opportunity

Program Partnerships & Enhancements

Program and people are the heart of our ministry. We will actively seek to increase programmatic offerings by engaging in strategic partnerships with churches, schools and community groups while also maintaining our commitment to provide our own calendar of summer camps and Christian faith-formation opportunities.

We will:

  1. Strengthen our program of year-round and summer programming for all ages

  2. Develop new program initiatives with a focus on serving campers and guests

  3. Increase Environmental Education and Leadership Development Opportunities

  4. Develop Strategic Partnerships to achieve programmatic goals

Sustainability - Now & Into the Future

Planning for and moving toward both short- and long-term sustainability in facets of resource management, day-to-day operations, ecological practices, development and financial management, and community transformation and impact is critical for our success both now and into the future.

We will:

  1.   Implement and increase Eco-Conscious practices into programming and operations

  2. Create opportunities that ensure Fellowship is financially accessible to all in our community to maximize community impact

  3. Secure physical land assets for the ministry’s full recognition and implementation of the “highest and best use” of available resources.

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As we engage in #FutureForward projects, we will steadfastly observe and practice our organizational core values
with an emphasis on three central principles:

INCLUSIVITY - Through CMC’s Ministry at Fellowship, we seek to provide safe and hospitable places and programs for all. This includes addressing challenges of mental and spiritual health, barriers to inclusion (physical, financial, and other barriers), and working toward a vision and reality of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion within our program and facility.

STEWARDSHIP - We share an invitation to gather together and to utilize the abundance of available resources for the accomplishment of ministry. We will be good stewards of those resources, to maximize impact for CMC/Fellowship’s mission. Stewardship of Physical Space and the Environment, Stewardship of Relationships (campers, guests, staff, partners, communities, and other constituents),Stewardship of Resources (finances, facility, and program) are fundamental to reaching our ministry goals.

FELLOWSHIP - We pledge to work within our mission and ministry to deepen and enrich the fellowship experienced by campers, guests, staff, and others in our community. We are encouraged in our challenging work, but also challenged to have fun and to enjoy the connections that are forged and the relationships that grow. We seek to experience laughter and joy in the creation of a supportive environment as we set out to accomplish our goals. We strive to care for each person, organization and group that engages in our shared ministry. We seek out opportunities to partner, to celebrate success, to share in the worship of God, and to be engaged in transformative ministries of hospitality and service to one another and our world!

In 2024, we:

  • Collaborated with our community to build the Lake Campus Initiative in partnership with Presbyterian College

  • Rekindled friendships through a partnership with Imani Milele Children's Choir from Uganda as we welcome them back to Camp Fellowship for the first time since they sheltered with us in 2020 during the pandemic.

  • Began to engage in future-shaping conversations with our Presbytery partners

  • Increased opportunities for worship and fellowship in the community

  • Reached more children, youth, and adults through summer camp and expanded program offerings

  • Began development and implementation of our Future Forward campaign

In 2025, we will:

  • continue clean up and restoration from Hurricane Helene

  • launch new programs in our Lake Campus, Summer Camp, and other year-round programs

  • celebrate a grand RE-opening of the Turtle Rock Trail Project after completing hurricane clean up

  • develop new partnerships, friendships, and missional alliances to achieve our mission and ministry

  • continue future-shaping conversations with our Presbytery partners

  • continue to increase worship, study, and faith formation opportunities through our faith-centered programs

  • take steps to propel CMC, Inc and Fellowship Camp and Center into the next 75+ years of ministry