We invite you to read our Annual Impact Reports
and join us in us meeting our mission goals!
Become a Sponsor
Sponsors are those individuals or organizations that provide financial support for particular programs and events. If you or your business would like to become a sponsor for programs and events noted below, please contact Kevin Cartee.
Red Letter Days (Cancer Survivorship Programs)
Summer Programs (K-12th Grade) & Summer Staff
Campership for Foster Families
Camperships for Deserving Children & Youth
Staff Support
Environmental Education Programs and Workshops
Leadership Development and Training
Christian Faith & Science Summit
W.O.W. - Worship on the Water Events
Easter Sunrise Service & Community Breakfast
Summer Worship Series
Covenant Presbyteries, Supporting Churches, and Partner Faith Communities
Trinity Presbytery
Abbeville Presbyterian
First Presbyterian, Aiken
First Presbyterian, Greenwood
First Presbyterian, Laurens
First Presbyterian, Ware Shoals
Forest Lake Presbyterian
Hodges Presbyterian
Little Mountain Presbyterian
Rocky Springs Presbyterian
Shandon Presbyterian
Sion Presbyterian
Upper Long Cane Presbyterian
Westminster Pres., Greenwood
Whitmire Presbyterian
Foothills Presbytery
First Presbyterian, Simpsonville
First Presbyterian, Greer
St. Giles Presbyterian, Greenville*
Other Faith Communities
Aveleigh Presbyterian Church (Newberry)
Mount Olive AME (Sumter)
Foothills Emmaus Community
South Carolina Via de Cristo Community