Join the Alumni Connection

No matter if you call it “Camp Fellowship,” “Fellowship Camp and Conference Center,” “Buc & Fellowship,” “CMC” or one of the greatest “thin-places” on earth, Fellowship has had a tremendous impact on the faith formation and growth of us all!

The Alumni Connection is critical for the on-going success of the camp and retreat ministry at Fellowship! You’re invited to get involved as we continue to

Make the Connection!

  • Share your contact information with the camp and be added to our alumni database.

  • Get connected through our social media - facebook, instagram, e-newsletters by clicking social the links to the left.

Explore the Connections!

  • Re-connect with friends from summer camp and your Fellowship Friends & Family.

  • Share memories and reflections on the impact of your camp experience!

  • Explore ways to support camp and retreat ministry at Fellowship

Grow the Connections!

  • Build a network of Fellowship Friends!

  • Develop Alumni Impact Initiatives to GROW the Support for Fellowship