Confirmands and their youth leaders are invited to attend a weekend at retreat at Camp Fellowship to dig deeper into their confirmation journey. $100 per person provides two nights, several meals shared, and thoughtful programing for all who attend.
“Confirmation in the Spirit, Bread for the Journey” guides confirmands:
1. To develop a deeper understanding of themselves as God’s beloved children, created in the image of God and commissioned to increase good in the world;
2. To recognize the importance of Confirmation as a “personal Pentecost,” the Spirit’s promise to strengthen them for living as God’s beloved; and
3. To live more consciously and actively in the assurance of the support and nurture of the community of faith through their mentors/sponsors.
The retreat module employs bread baking as a metaphor for Confirmation. Bread baking requires the right ingredients—flour, water, salt, and yeast—to create dough. The Holy Spirit is like yeast, filling us with the energizing breath of God. Baking is a hands-on experience of mixing, pounding, and stretching the dough. The laying on of hands is the community’s pledge to support and stretch us in our faith. Baking requires time, patience, high heat, and the wise experience of those who have baked before. The Holy Spirit and the church are our constant companions, guides, and guards. This retreat affirms the role of the Spirit and the community of faith in the growth and nurture of young people as they navigate the world.